
Why You Need To Prospect For New Business By Yourself

Prospecting for new business is important for success. “Prospecting is the process of identifying and researching potential customers and then reaching out to them to see if they’re interested.” Why is it so important to do this yourself, rather than relying on others or automation to do the work for you? Why you shouldn’t rely …

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Case Study: How we found the Japan Country Manager for Aerospike

Aerospike is a company that provides a real-time data platform. It specializes in key-value stores, shared-nothing databases, complex data types, user-defined functions, digital transformation, etc. The company caters to advertising, marketing, banking, e-commerce, financial services, and other sectors. We successfully hired a Japan Country Manager for Aerospike through our innovative recruiting efforts and broad network …

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What is Incredible

Incredible Consulting is a Recruiting & Advisory firm focused on strategic consultation for US based Tech & Manufacturing companies who need help in Japan and Asia. Finding the right channels and partners to successfully grow and expand your business in Asia is the key to winning market share. There are many challenges when it comes …

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